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I want to build an online business and you can help me

I want to build an online business that can be started and run without money, An online business is a niche, niche market. This is why every entrepreneur can target their business to different target groups. But in addition to the 20 niche markets mentioned, niche online businesses can meet up to 50 or a hundred niche markets. In other words, while we work together to implement the same business idea, we will not be competitors at all, either at the time of starting an online business or later. That is, each participating online business will be a separate business in its own right, despite the fact that we are building all businesses together.

The business is also Startup. That is, you can start small with simple solutions, but at the same time, the business has the ability to grow into a large company. This is because the business market is all over the world.

I want to build an online business that can be started and run without money, An online business is a niche, niche market. This is why every entrepreneur can target their business to different target groups. But in addition to the 20 niche markets mentioned, niche online businesses can meet up to 50 or a hundred niche markets. In other words, while we work together to implement the same business idea, we will not be competitors at all, either at the time of starting an online business or later. That is, each participating online business will be a separate business in its own right, despite the fact that we are building all businesses together.

The business is also Startup. That is, you can start small with simple solutions, but at the same time, the business has the ability to grow into a large company. This is because the business market is all over the world.

Don’t keep it a secret: Planning an online business is a dating system

A characteristic of these online businesses is that they do not require equipment, building or inventory. All you need is a smartphone and an internet connection. You can work anytime, anywhere.
However, it is very difficult to build on its own. But if you build 10-20 online entrepreneurs together, while everyone is building their own business, it’s easy to start and generates income quickly.
A characteristic of these online businesses is that they do not require equipment, building or inventory. All you need is a smartphone and an internet connection. You can work anytime, anywhere.

However, it is very difficult to build on its own. But if you build 10-20 online entrepreneurs together, while everyone is building their own business, it’s easy to start and generates income quickly.
Dating sites are among the sites on the Internet that have the most traffic. In addition to these, the great advantage of these online business systems is that visitors often return.

One of the big flaws of websites and blogs is the increase in views. It is also a problem to stand out from the crowd on dating sites. Because there are a lot of dating sites. Mostly identical automated systems. The system that I want to build and for which I am looking for 10-20 potential online entrepreneurs is built in such a way that the increase in traffic is mainly provided by the search for potential members, new acquaintances. This is different from most dating sites on the Internet. But that's not the only difference.

The secure dating system

The vast majority of dating systems on the Internet are automated systems. Maybe there are 5-10 exceptions. But the exceptions, due to some unresolved issues, are usually small systems, so they don’t cause us a problem.

Implementers of online business ideas tend to build an automated system. This is mainly because this way a significant part of the work is taken off the shoulder by the automated system.

Dating online businesses are fully automated. But here it is not an advantage. At most, it can only seem to be an advantage. This is because full automation means that the system's database, which contains members' data, is closely linked to the system's website. However, this means that if a hacker hacks the page, they will also gain access to members ’personal information. Who knows what you can do with it. In any case, I do not want to be a member of such a system and I would not build such a system.

Safety first. The main feature of the system I designed is that the members 'database has no connection to the website, ie the hacker cannot access the members' personal data even if the page is hacked. Because the safety of members is the primary consideration.
The secure dating system

This is a user generated content type business

This is a user generated content type business. If you are unfamiliar with this type of online business, you cannot assess its significance. And believe me, in addition to security, this is another big advantage of the system.

There are several user-generated content types of online businesses on the Internet. These are the businesses where the content is created by the visitors themselves, making things much easier for the system owner. Of course you have to work here as well. But much less than in the case of classic businesses. If we start the system, 1 hour a day will be enough to operate the system. You don't have to work any more during the system set up, only the nature of the work will be a little different. But if you can write emails, browse the internet and read blogs, websites, it won’t cause you any difficulty either.

Please help

You may not be interested in an online business opportunity, but you have friends and acquaintances who would be happy to get involved in such a joint work. Please share this opportunity with them. Those interested should reply to my email address: In the subject field, please enter: online business idea - dating system.
Online business ideas


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